A few days back in Hyderabad helpless and innocent people became a prey of terrorism attack. Even after three weeks there is no sign of attackers being found. After this horrendous incident, the home minister of Andhra Pradesh announced that 3500 CCTV cameras would be fixed across Hyderabad for security. One query which strikes my mind and indeed strikes every common man is that why does the Government take decisions only after the occurrence of such events which could have been prevented. Why do they wait for uncertainties to become certain? Why do they wait till the death of poor, helpless and innocent people? Why?
On one hand the Government is extravagantly spending money for the welcoming of an American President and his family and that of the Prime Minister of Britain but on the other hand, it seems that they are totally unconcerned about the general masses. It is really very heart-pricking that the Government is ready to invest for the hospitality of these people but rarely bothers to impart the common man with apt security and basic needs. Why?
Why does Indian Government show its dearth on matters related with the protection of the Aam Janta ?
Surprisingly, Intelligence Bureau had already informed the Central authorities pertaining to the bomb blast in Hyderabad. By merely alerting the state Government, the duty of central Government is not complete. Central Government should have taken a prompt action to curb the situation. Same case happened in the Mumbai bomb blast in 2008 on 26/11. No doubt, it is a herculean task for a dog to straighten its curly tail but critical situations like these need to be faced with utter delicacy. Political leaders should understand their responsibilities and work coherently for the upliftment of the public.
To stop this terrorism we all have to stand firm in our actions and search for the right solutions. This can only be done by working in an integrated manner keeping the spirit of patriotism alive in each one of us.
Jai Hind!
Bhagwat Singh Rathore
Jasol, Rajasthan